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My thoughts


Why doesn't God allow mankind to eat the fruit of wisdom? Does God want mankind to be foolish forever? God wants you to distinguish between good and evil, but what is good and what is evil, different people have different standards, what we need to know is the true standard

语言只是人们沟通的一个工具,没有好坏之分,当然他们有自己不同的特性。 历史已经选择了这个语言,没有必要特意的去改变。作为一个国家,它需要一个统一的语言,方便人民互相交流和理解。如果彼此都没法交流,很难互相理解。所以,要学好语言是很重要。

Language is just a tool for people to communicate, there is no good or bad, of course they have their own different characteristics. History has chosen this language, there is no need to change it deliberately. As a country, it needs a unified language to facilitate communication and understanding among people. If you can't communicate with each other, it's difficult to understand each other. Therefore, it is very important to learn the language well.


My understanding is that the provisions of any law, including the provisions of the constitution, were formulated under the historical conditions at the time and should not be static. When history progresses and society progresses, we must examine whether these provisions conform to the truth.

I hope the United States will make electromagnetic wave attacks illegal. It is a crime of assault and requires a sentence. What I hate the most is electromagnetic attacks. No one is allowed to possess an electromagnetic wave attack weapon, because it is a long-range attack weapon that violates the human rights of other people. Those who possess weapons will be confiscated and be fined or even imprisoned. If it is a government action, the government must dismantle these devices. Any disclosure will be rewarded. Human rights organizations can collect evidence to sue individuals and governments and help pass this law. There are many things to do to pass this law. We have to force every senator and congressman to speak out. Anyone who supports electromagnetic wave attack weapons shows that he ignores human rights, Violates the spirit of the U.S. Constitution。 He or she should step down.


Men and women are equal. There are different people in the world, with different beliefs, and different lifestyles. A person cannot hate and hurt others just because they are different from you. We need a tolerant heart to accommodate different opinions, beliefs and lifestyles. A person has the right to live freely in his own home. Intruders have no right to point fingers at her.


Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. As human beings, we must be good at discovering the advantages of others and be able to comment on others objectively. If the forces of darkness are too great, we don’t have the courage to tell the truth, at least don’t tell lies.


The essence of painting is not that the painting is as real as the photo. It is a kind of imagination and beauty, which reflects a person's independent characteristics and personality.


Freedom comes at a price. There is no absolute freedom in the world. We are always restricted by the laws of nature and society. Just like epidemics of diseases, wars, and ethnic conflicts, social unrest. If there is no law, the freedom of one person is likely to be a disaster for another. What we seek is to maximize the protection of individual freedom under fair rules. Your freedom cannot harm other people against the law of fairness. So the most important thing is to formulate a fair law and ensure its enforcement. If the law is unfair and its enforcement is unfair, the people have the right to resist.


God said that he does not want the world to be a divided and hated world. He does not want the world to be a racially discriminatory, unfair, unjust, and bloody world. He hopes that the world is a world that is tolerant, free of speech, and free of belief.


The world may be dark, full of blood, full of life and death, full of contention for interests, but what we hope to build is a more hopeful and bright world and fight for it, otherwise, what is the meaning of our lives?


What I want to express is that Asian Americans include Chinese Americans, and they are also Americans. They also have people who need help. The government's assistance to the poor is based on income, not just for specific ethnic groups. Impoverished people of all ethnic groups should be treated and helped equally.
As a private company, it has the right to hire people it likes, and the government cannot force it to hire people they don't like. But as a government, it considers the entire country and all races. What it wants to formulate is a fair policy to regulate and supplement the insufficiency and destructiveness of the private economy in order to achieve a more orderly and better development of the entire country.

我对人,对孩子没有很深的偏见。我理解他们心中的恐惧。我们是人,我们都是脆弱的,有恐惧是正常的。尤其是不能控制自己的命运和很容易受到伤害的时候。我们不是机器人。 不管这个人的表现是不是正常,一颗有慈爱心的人不是简单地去指责和否定这个人,而是理解,尊重这个人的行为。药物治疗不了一个人的心理创伤和恐惧,只有爱,关注,理解,帮助以及安全的环境能够改变这一切。我谴责你们的是你们是罪恶的,无人性地在折磨人和这个世界。

I have no deep prejudice against people or children. I understand the fear in their hearts. We are human beings, we are all vulnerable, it is normal to have fear. Especially when you can't control your own destiny and get hurt easily. We are not robots. Regardless of whether the person's behavior is normal or not, a loving person does not simply condemn and deny the person, but understands and respects the person's behavior. Medications cannot cure a person's psychological trauma and fear, only love, attention, understanding, help and a safe environment can change all of this. What I condemn you is that you are sinful and torturing people and the world inhumanly.

凯文,丽丽, 妈妈爱你们,深爱你们。也许妈妈有时候会任性,妈妈没有表现出那份感觉,但妈妈是爱你们的。最重要的是我们有血缘关系,这是任何时候都无法割断的。不管我是不是认出你们来,你们是我的孩子,任何人都不能剥夺你们做自己。所有帮助凯文和丽丽的人,我都身怀感激。请不要伤害他们。如果凯文,丽丽任性,也请包容他们,帮助他们。我深深地感激你们,如果你们保护了我的孩子。孩子,你们一定要好好,坚强地活着,妈妈不能没有你们。希望你们获得自由。母亲和孩子那种血缘的纽带是永远无法被替代的。任何伤害我孩子的人,我要在我的余生每天诅咒你们一千遍。

Kaiwen, Lily, Mom loves you deeply. Maybe mother is self-willed sometimes, Mom doesn't show that love, but mom loves you. The most important thing is that we are related by blood, which cannot be cut off at any time. No matter if I recognize you or not, you are my child, you have right to live in this house and no one can deprive you of being yourself. I am grateful to everyone who helped Kaiwen and Lily. Please don't hurt them. If Kaiwen and Lily are wayward, please tolerate them and help them. I am deeply grateful to you if you protect my children. Please let them be themselves. My Children, You must live well, mother can't live without you. Hope you are free. The blood bond between mother and child can never be replaced. Anyone who hurts my child, I will curse you a thousand times a day for the rest of my life.


For people, everyone has their own characteristics and strengths. As a leader, it means discovering their strengths and assigning them to jobs that match their characteristics and strengths. As a team, we must cherish our employees and let them have a good rest. Food is very important. Essentially speaking, I am opposed to slavery. As the designer of the game, you can't let people choose between life and death, but let everyone live well to increase the team's centripetal force and cohesion. Everyone should be paid for their work, which can increase their motivation. Of course, it should be linked to the overall benefit.

Young people have the advantages of young people, and old people have the wisdom and advantages of old people. As a society, you cannot play God and deprive anyone of the right to survive. The development of modern society is a kind of humanity, which is completely different from animality. Hope the brilliance of love will always be in your hearts. If it is in war, we must distinguish who is your enemy and who is your friend, and unite all the forces that can be united. Don't find the wrong target. I am not anyone’s enemy, Kaiwen, Lily, and Shixuan are not anyone’s enemy. It is not your goal, but the object you should unite with, is your friend.

If someone stubbornly treats us as their enemy and hurts us, if we are capable, I also want to strangle them and sweep them away like the autumn wind sweeps fallen leaves. I hope everyone in my family is the friends of Kaiwen, Lily, Shixuan, and me. I hope everyone is well.


Due to the limitations of their own knowledge, human beings may not be clear about many things. Regarding the question of gods and ghosts, first, we need to be clear that religion is created by man. Second, we cannot deny that this world has mysterious powers. They can be called gods or ghosts, but their connotations may not be as we humans imagine. Third, there are alien civilizations in this world. For example, you think that God is like a human being, but I think that God appears in various forms, not necessarily as you imagine. I mean, it may be difficult for humans to imagine how this mysterious power exists and how it affects human society.

郭红军, 2021年新年祝愿, 首先祝愿我的儿子王凯文(英俊),女儿郭丽丽(美丽)平平安安,健康,智慧,聪明,坚强,有爱心,吃得好,穿得好, 有学上,努力学习,爱我,尊重我, 开心快乐. 丈夫王世宣健康平安,智慧,工作收入好,好好照顾我们的儿子王凯文,女儿郭丽丽,爱我,尊重我,对我忠心不二。其次, 祝愿我的爸爸妈妈, 哥哥姐姐等所有亲人都健康平安, 智慧, 一切顺利. 特别祝愿我的亲生母亲刘允焕身体健康,越活越年轻,有人照顾,吃得好,穿得好。 然后,祝愿帮助我,支持我和我儿子,女儿的人都健康平安,一切顺利. 希望每一个孩子都平安,健康,有学上,有衣穿,有饭吃,开心快乐. 希望每一个善良的人都平安健康. 最后,祝愿我自己在2021年里能找到自己的事业,财源广进,平安,健康,美丽,成为一流的歌唱家和画家。希望没有人偷我的东西,电磁波攻击我,伤害我和我家人的人会受到惩罚. (1/1/2021)

Hongjun Guo wishes for the New Year of 2021. First of all, I wish my son Kaiwen Wang (handsome)and my daughter Lily Guo (beautiful)can be safe, healthy, wise, smart, strong, caring, eat well, dress well , have school, study hard, love me, respect me and be happy. Husband Shixuan Wang is healthy and safe, wise, has a good job and income, takes good care of our son Kaiwen Wang and daughter Lily Guo, loves me, respects me, and is loyal to me. Secondly, I wish my mother, father, brother and sister, be healthy, safe, wise, and all the best. I especially wish my biological mother Yunhuan Liu good health, live younger and younger, be taken care of, eat well, and dress well. Then, I wish those who support me, my son and my daughter are healthy, safe, and all the best. I hope that every child will be safe, healthy, have school, clothes, food, happy. Hope every kind person is safe and healthy. Finally, I wish I can find my career in the 2021 year, make money, be safe, healthy, beautiful, and become first-class Singer and painter. I hope no one steals my things, no electromagnetic waves attack me, and those who hurt me and my family members will be punished.

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