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射手和双鱼 (12/6/2020)

Updated: Jun 5, 2021


Sagittarius and Pisces

It is hard for me to tell the heartache, The meet of you and me is the crystallization of ten thousands years. The tears of Pisces are the sorrows of my life. I don't know how to express to you. Your thin and helpless figure floats in front of my eyes, I lift up my arrow, leave the thoughts of eternal love. That painful search, I shed tears of ten thousand years of loneliness. The meet of you and me is the crystallization of ten thousands years. The tears of Pisces are the sorrows of my life, I run in the universe, looking for your trace, Lift up my arrow, leave the thoughts of eternal love. In the dark wilderness, you avoid my chase and shed helpless tears silently. My hands started shaking, break my arrow and creep in the wilderness, Meditate on your trail. I use up my best, Use up my freedom, Pray for you in the universe. Wipe your tears away, Put on a pair of flying wings, Help you soar in the wilderness. The tears of Pisces are the sorrows of my life. I'm crawling in the wilderness, Meditate on your trail. Use up my best, Use up my freedom, Pray for you in the universe. Wipe your tears away, Put on a pair of flying wings, Help you soar in the wilderness. The tears of Pisces are the sorrows of my life, The meet of you and me is the crystallization of ten thousands years. I lift up my arrow, Leave the thoughts of eternal love. The meet of you and me is the crystallization of ten thousands years. I lift up my arrow, Leave the thoughts of eternal love.
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